Finished projects
Current projects
Future projects

Davos | Hospitality Project

Hotel project on the estate of the Thurgauisch-Schaffhausische Höhenklinik (TSH) | Construction of a new hotel apartment building | Condominiums

Kloten Office & Commercial Complex | Flughofstrasse

Twin Office & Commercial Complex

Goldach | Seewydenstrasse

4 Multi-family homes and 1 luxury villa

Lugano Paradiso | Via Geretta 17/19

Mixed residential | commercial building

Lugano Paradiso | Via San Salvatore

Mixed residential | commercial building

Vico Morcote | Alla Piana

Multi-family home with stepped apartments

Unterägeri | Seestrasse

3 Multi-family homes with commercial units

Rümlang | Zelglistrasse

Multi-family homes

Rotkreuz | Blegistrasse

Mixed office | Commercial building

Kriens | Sackweidstrasse 3/5

3 Multi-family homes

Unterendingen | Alte Surbtalstrasse

7 Apartment buildings

St. Gallen | Langgasse

Multi-family home replacement

St. Gallen | Huebstrasse

Apartment building

Würenlingen | Breitenstrasse

Multi-family home

Lugano Paradiso «Green Corner»

First and second residences | commercial spaces

Zurich | Circle Seven

Multi-family home

Lugano Paradiso «Butterfly»

New-build residential | Retail building (first and second residences)

Celerina – St. Moritz | Trais Sulais

Luxurious second residences

Sirnach «West One»

Commercial building | Business centre

Lucerne Littau | Bodenhof

Apartment building with long-stay apartments and commercial spaces

Laufen | Allmendweg

2 Terraced buildings

Fisibach | Chilewiese

3 Multi-family homes

Suhr | Frohdörfli

2 Multi-family homes

Bellinzona | Viale C. Olgiati

2 Multi-family homes

Herrliberg | Grütstrasse

Luxury villa

Basel | Hammerstrasse

Blocks of flats with business apartments on the ground floor

Bellinzona | Via Canonico Ghiringhelli

2 Multi-family homes and 1 villa

Birrhard | Käsistrasse

9 Multi-family homes

Döttingen | Vorhard

Apartment building with hotel service

Weiach | Seerenstrasse

Neighbourhood development of more than 15 multi-family homes

Oberglatt | Bülachstrasse

5 Single-family detached homes

Kriens | Sackweidstrasse 1

Multi-family home

Leibstadt | Flurlängeweg

5 Multi-family homes

Leuggern | Föhrenweg

7 Multi-family homes

Brüttisellen | Schüracherstrasse

Multi-family home

Vessy | Route de Veyrier

3 Luxury villas

Rietheim | Badstrasse

5 Single-family detached homes

Weggis | Rigiblickstrasse

2 Single-family detached homes

Wädenswil | Untermosenstrasse

Luxury residence with 5 residential units
Fisibach Fahnen

Fisibach | Museumstrasse

Office building with warehouse branch office LIKA Group AG

Weiach | Dammweg

Multi-family home

Full-Reuenthal | Strickstrasse

3 Multi-family homes and 1 semi-detached single family home

Untersiggenthal | Hardackerstrasse

Multi-family home

Herrliberg | Steinradstrasse

2 Luxury villas

Oberkulm | Rotkornstrasse

2 Multi-family homes

Erlenbach | Föhrenstrasse

Luxury villa

Hombrechtikon | Fabrikweg

Multi-family home

Speicher | Hauptstrasse

Multi-family home

Bodio | Salita alla Mónda

Multi-family houses, Single-family houses

Dietlikon | Dorfstrasse

Mulit-family house

Siglistorf | Kapellenweg

Multi-family home

Sevelen | Badstrasse


Oberentfelden | Dreizelgenweg

3 Multi-family homes

Hettenschwil | Hagenfirsterstrasse

Multi-family home

Schupfart | Bühlmattweg

2 Multi-family homes

Erlinsbach | Küttigerstrasse

3 Semi-detached single family homes

Attiswil | Mattenstrasse

3 Multi-family homes

Bilten | Adlerstrasse

9 Single-family detached homes

Endingen | Strick

Multi-family home

Egg | Büelstrasse

Multi-family home

Amriswil | Bilchenstrasse

Multi-family home

Boningen | Stockacker

3 Single family detached homes

Sommeri | Hauptstrasse 42

Multi-family home

Sommeri | Hauptstrasse 59

2 Multi-family homes
«We focus on the needs of the clients and of the future users as well as on intensive research into the history of the property. The archives and documentation show what has already been done and what potential the building has. This is followed by the creative phase in which we also think the unthinkable. The concept for the new-old building is created and implemented step by step with the client.»
Tilla Theus
Architect | Tilla Theus und Partner AG | Zurich